This is actually a PSA for all of you as much as it is for myself.
👉 Do something good for yourself and make it a practice 👈
Better yet - do good thingS for yourself - and notice all the ways you benefit when you make your well being your priority.
Leaders often focus time and energy doing for and taking care of others who are in our care. That's great as long as we include ourselves in that. Often we don't which increases stress, depletion, burnout.
I recently caught myself starting to get out of balance with this as the blues - the self doubt and negative self talk came rushing in. As the saying goes - I couldn't pour from an empty cup.
So, I started doing more good things for myself including putting on the work brakes to go camping and riding with my husband and our pup, Peaty. Four days spent feeding my soul made me realize just how much I needed to do just that.
I started doing a few others things that you'll hear more about soon - but for now - evidence from this weekend's good things are below.