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Today's story is a reminder to myself and you about the opportunity to - and positive impact of - framing big moments and experiences as adventures.

Many of you - like me - have spent a considerable amount of time in your careers launching campaigns and brands, building and rebuilding divisions and companies, and many of us have had to launch ourselves into job searching.

None of these big moments come easily. Each one requires relentless effort - patient pauses and all out sprints. Going into each one isn't always exciting. Sometimes is exhausting before you start and throughout the journey. But it doesn't always have to be.


This thought came to me today mid adventure ride with my husband John Griffiths 👉 72.17 miles + 5,190 ft of vert in on gravel, mud, snow, ice and some clear roads.

I purposely set out this morning thinking of the ride as an exciting adventure bc I knew it was going to be big and taxing. Overall, it worked! I was present, was making it through the challenges and enjoyed the experience. From experience I'll tell you - if I had let myself think about how hard it was going to be, my mind and body would have felt miserable throughout the ride.

It was an amazing adventure ride even though I didn't expect the end to go as it did. I ended up absolutely burying myself sprinting the final 7ish miles and 1,700+ ft of vert of the ride bc I had to get our furry kid, Peaty, 🐶 from daycare before it closed. I got there with 3 minutes to spare, and I felt like GARBAGIO.

I made it though and she's home w us giving us love. The relentless effort, patience and the all-out sprint was worth it and I feel proud! The adventure framing made all the difference today on the bike and I know it often makes a difference in work for me too, so I thought I'd share this here.

The question is - what's your upcoming work adventure?!

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