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Today's relatable story features four lessons I was reminded on a road trip to AZ with my husbabe John Griffiths who doubles as the best teammate I could ever wish for.

We set out to do a 50-mile mountain bike race yesterday, trained and planned for it - and were dealt curve balls. Leading up to it we barely got to pedal, two days before it we drove 13 hours, the day before it we had to handle something that required 5 more hours of driving, the four nights before the race we barely slept. In the final days our measures prep went out the window.

Que lesson 1:

➡️ You can't cheat preparation and expect to be successful.

At the start, admittedly I got caught up in the spirit of competition and forgot about pacing ourselves to reach our goals. I was comparing us to the other riders who were passing us and felt annoyed and stressed. John reminded me: "Don't worry about what anyone else is doing. It doesn't matter what they are doing. We're riding our own race."

Que lesson 2:

➡️ Comparing is one of the fastest ways to ruin something including your mindset, your own experience and results.

As you can expect, the race didn't go well. Temps soared to 102F w zero shade on the course. Heat exhaustion took me quite w quickness. I thought I was going to pass out on the bike, had a hard time walking at the aid station, my ears were ringing, and I could hardly hear my own voice. John came to the rescue, with salt pills and bottles of cold water to pour on my head.

Que lesson 3:

➡️ Epic teammates can save the day (and your ass)

After cooling down, I felt good enough to go again. I stubbornly didn't want to quit. Ten minutes later John had no energy, so we called it. Better to stop and get out on our power than to get carried out (by medics).

Que lesson 4:

➡️ Sometimes you just have to bail, cut your losses, put yourself first and save your mind, body and spirit.

The parallels to work life are so obvious throughout this I won't make this post longer going into the detail. As we head into the work week ahead #LEADERS - let's keep these 4 lessons out in front of ourselves as friendly reminders AND shake it off when curve balls and our own stubbornness do get the best of us.

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