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On this day I'm sending all the respect to the Warriors who have opted to take on the role of Mama as part of their evolution.

I'm dedicating this edition of Sunday Stories to a quick story about authenticity, resilience and impact starring this #smokeshow right here - also known as my mom, Linda 🔥. She looks so much like my sister Santine Harlock in the top pic it's mental.

She's a mother of two - a grandmother of four humans and 2 pups including my girl Peaty. She's a dear friend of so many people I couldn't even begin to count. I swear she's the mayor of Ann Arbor where I grew up and she still lives. I also swear she thinks she's Peter Pan 😁

She defines authenticity. She's always beat to her own drum and found a way to prevail. She's an entrepreneur who's reinvented her career numerous times and always stayed true to her soul. She just never gives up. Somehow - someway - she finds a way and I've appreciated that immensely especially through the last three years of my nonstop evolving.

My mom's fierce resiliency, fearlessness, passion, unconditional kindness AND mastery of confidence when going against the grain, have been guiding beacons for me as long as I can remember. She always encourages me to be 100% true to who I am without judging me or giving me labels. If anything, she's celebrated my resistance to conform to steroetypes and societal expectations bc she knows I'm being true to my soul and at my best.

While she's never been a leader in Corporate America - she's a leader in life who thrives creating positive impact for others. I've learned a lot about leadership in life and work through her example and I hope she positively impacts you too through this story #LEADERS

Mom - Thanks for loving me for me to pieces. You're a Legend ❤

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